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What is Korean Natural Farming? | Enhanced Garden&Life

Updated: Jun 16, 2021



I'm not sure there's a more exciting topic I could be talking about today. Natural Farming, or Korean Natural Farming to be precise, is just so amazing! You really get to see the passion in my voice as I talk about how Korean Natural Farming can take a farm from being out of control with weeds and pests all over the place to thriving and beautiful. It's not easy work but it has such an immense payoff in the end that you don't even care when your hands are blistering from weeding all day long or your back is killing you after bending down for hours on end picking up rocks. There's nothing better than seeing plants grow thick and tall and knowing that they're going to produce abundant amounts of food. It's a work of art to see the transformation from start to finish and it never gets old!


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What is Korean Natural Farming

Korean natural farming is an agricultural practice that was developed in Korea. It differs from other traditional methods in that it does not use any chemicals or pesticides. Instead, the farmer uses organic materials to control pests and weeds without harming the crops themselves.

The idea behind these types of farms is simple: instead of using chemical pesticides or fertilizers that harm animals (and people) while also harming the earth, they use organic methods so everything stays in balance. This helps solve one major problem that our society faces today: overreliance on chemicals. And not only does it help reduce pollution - because this type of farm relies solely on natural techniques - but it also reduces the financial burden of farmers.

The following article will discuss what Korean natural farming is and how you can start your own!

For those who don't know what it means by "Korean natural farming," the term refers to sustainable farming that works in accordance with nature rather than against it. Small farms are the backbone of this type of agriculture because they allow for maximum efficiency with minimal environmental impact - but let's not forget about their positive effect on our local communities, too!

Imagine a beautiful, lush garden that you've always wanted that's bursting with color and life! What could be better than living off food grown by your hands? Where you spend time nurturing the plants to produce fruits or vegetables for yourself. With Korean natural farming, it's possible to create this nutrient-dense space and have the mind and body running at optimal performance too! I will research learning more about this new-to-me method of gardening then put my knowledge into practice on my own backyard oasis--talk about exciting!!

Korean natural farming was invented by a man named Cho Han Kyu. He went to Japan to study agriculture for three years learning natural farming methods from three different teachers.

Cho returned to Korea and combined the natural farming methods he had learned with Korean food's fermentation process, such as kimchi. From that became Korean natural farming.

Korean natural farming creates all your inputs, creating mineral supplements to input your garden or farm.

Another input is indigenous microorganisms, which is collecting microorganisms from an uncultivated area near your farm or garden. You'll want to find the nearest forest in your area. More advanced organisms have had years of adaption, so collecting from those areas will give you more robust microorganisms. You will collect the microbes and bring them back to your farm or garden. The microbes come with valuable nutrients for your plants as well. Once you add them to your garden, you should have more growth and nutrient density.

- Potent microorganisms from forest soil are collected to add to your farm or garden for more robust plants and nutrient density. You can also create mineral supplements by using inorganic inputs like rock dust and clay powder. Then you'll want to learn how to use these natural processes like Activated Sludge (bokashi). The end goal is a fertile environment that organic compounds will thrive in without synthetic fertilizers!

What is one of the most significant benefits of Korean natural farming? The answer: reducing pesticide use! What was found in research - and what other studies have confirmed over time - is that by using pesticides less often or not at all, plants are better able to build up defenses against environmental stresses like pests and drought. This type of farming also improves soil quality, making it more fertile.

Another benefit of Korean natural farming is the building of your soil. It produces fertile soil that yields high output. The best part about it is that it is remarkably inexpensive and you wouldn't be using herbicides or insecticides! You will reap high rewards at a low cost!

In addition to this benefit (and others), there are many reasons why you should start your own Korean natural farm if you're interested in living healthier while also being kinder to animals and Mother Nature alike!

While there are some drawbacks as well, this type of farming has been found to improve soil quality and make plants more nutritious for humans - which means you get healthier fruits and vegetables!

It also is great for the environment, Korean Natural Farming is also great because it increases health benefits. This type of farming helps plants produce more minerals and vitamins - which means you get healthier fruits and vegetables!

How to Start With Korean Natural Farming

- The first step is to learn more about the principles of Korean Natural Farming. There are many resources online, however, it's best to read multiple sources and ask others for advice before deciding how you want your farm to run!

- Next, decide if you want a small part-time project or a full-scale farming operation. If this will be just a side job that takes up a small amount of time every day, then all you'll need is some land available and seeds/seedlings from local nurseries.

- If you want to go all-in with farming, then you'll have to spend more time preparing. You'll need a few acres of land available that has been cleared and is free from chemicals. This will be your main growing area as well as where any animals are kept!

Wow, I have to know more. I'm very excited to take this journey, and I want to share what I'm learning and hopefully help you travel on this road.

Invention: Natural Farming There are so many amazing benefits to this method of agriculture including how it minimizes soil erosion and pollution as well as increases crop yields while reducing water usage significantly. These methods also help provide healthy nutrients in our diets because they contain more vitamins than other types of crops.

I am hoping this blog post was helpful in understanding what Korean natural farming entails! It's interesting to learn about a different type of farming, and you may be surprised by how much more healthy your produce is! There are resources online for those who want to know more or even start their own natural farm themselves. In fact, some might say that this could be the next big trend in agriculture... What do you think? Comment below.

My Friend, I thank you for choosing to read my content. Hopefully, you have found value in this post. If you have gained value from this post share it with your friends.


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