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The Edible Garden: Advantages and Benefits | Enhanced Garden&Life



Have you ever examined what it would be like to have a garden that is full of vegetables and herbs? Gardeners that would enjoy growing their own food but don’t want the hassle of weeding, watering, and fertilizing every day should consider an edible garden. An edible garden combines beautiful landscaping with growing your own produce. The benefits include not having to buy fresh produce from the grocery store or farmers' market, which saves money in addition to time spent shopping for groceries.

As well as being aesthetically pleasing, an edible garden has many other advantages! In addition to an increase in savings, you also get the opportunity to grow fresh herbs and vegetables. Gardeners who have edible gardens with fruit trees enjoy even more benefits since they can harvest their own apples or oranges when the fruits are ripe!

A major benefit of having a garden is that it brings out your creative side as well as providing great outdoor activity for children or family members. And not only does gardening provide healthy food, but there’s mounting evidence that gardening has many other health benefits too--such as reducing stress levels and lowering one's blood pressure.

There are many different types of plants that could be grown in an edible garden- everything from tomatoes, cucumbers, and green peppers to rosemary, lavender, and sage. Gardeners should consider what types of plants they want to grow and then find a planting plan that’s just right for them!

A garden can be a great source of food and enjoyment to those who have space for one. Gardeners also tend to feel healthier when they grow their own plants, eat them, or work in the dirt themselves.

Here are some advantages that come with growing your own vegetables:

- Fresh produce is more nutritious than store-bought fruits and veggies - research has shown this because it contains fewer pesticides. Hopefully, none, if you've planted organically.

- Gardeners are more likely to eat healthier and consume less junk food - a garden is a simple alternative for those of you who don't like cooking or lack the time.

- Gardeners have a better grasp on what they're eating by growing their own produce, which in turn can lead them to make better decisions about nutrition and healthy living.

- Gardeners also tend to believe that gardening makes them feel happier as well as physically stronger because they exercise every day while tending to plants, digging up weeds, etcetera (sounds dirty). So many benefits!

Gardens really are wonderful things.

- The amount you spend on fresh produce will cost a lot less money over time as opposed to buying pre-packaged goods at grocery stores (especially if you live near an organic farm). If someone was gardening all year round, then they would need very little income from other sources of employment, which could save up enough resources to afford a more healthy lifestyle.

- Gardeners feel better about themselves because they are providing for their families by working on a project that gives them satisfaction and accomplishment, in addition to the aforementioned benefits like exercise or increased happiness levels. More often than not, gardeners have lower rates of depression.

- Gardening can be an educational experience as well - children will learn how plants grow from seedlings to maturity while also getting plenty of fresh air and physical activity (and hopefully being educated at school). Gardeners also get to watch nature take its course, which is pretty cool! A lot of people find it amusing when animals come up and eat vegetables straight off the vine, too(I don't appreciate that too much). And if you're feeling really ambitious, then why not try landscaping or even trying your hand at organic farming?

- Gardeners also tend to be able to share their produce with friends and family more easily, which is a nice perk.

You could always do some trading in your community!

Edible gardens are just so wonderful because there's such diversity in what can grow here: from herbs to vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers (my favorite), squash...the list goes on! It really depends on how much space we're talking about, as well as the amount of time someone has available to dedicate to caring for these plants.

Edible Garden Advantages:

- gardening is a great way to spend time outdoors and be active. Gardening can also help build physical strength, improve your mood by increasing serotonin levels as well as promoting weight loss. If you are limited with your mobility or you live in an urban area where space for gardens is scarce, there are even more reasons why growing your food might be the best option for you.

- Edible gardens provide fresh produce year-round, which means more nutritious meals that taste better too! This is especially important if you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables from other sources like grocery stores because it provides a consistent source of nutrients day after day without extra work on your part. Plus, when they grow right outside, you can pick your own fruits and vegetables whenever you want, not when the store decides to stock them.

- Gardeners also have a sense of pride in their work that is hard to get from other sources like working at an office or behind a desk. This makes gardening more satisfying because it gives us something we enjoy doing on our days off too!

Edible Garden Benefits:

- Eating healthy food helps prevent heart disease, strokes, and cancer, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide, claimed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Being able to grow one’s own produce means there will be less money going towards grocery costs as well as reducing exposure risk by not buying processed foods with added chemicals or preservatives.

- Gardeners also have a sense of pride in their work that is hard to get from other sources like working at an office or behind a desk. This makes gardening more satisfying because it gives us something we enjoy doing on our days off too!

- Gardening provides stress relief and lowers anxiety levels, according to Harvard Health Publications. Studies suggest that being outside reduces blood pressure while boosting the immune system and lowering cholesterol levels. It’s easier for gardeners to breathe fresh air instead of spending all day indoors, which can be triggering for some people who suffer from asthma or other conditions with poor ventilation (source). Eating healthy produce will help reduce symptoms as well as prevent flare-ups.

Edible Garden Disadvantages:

- Gardeners can experience certain health concerns like back pain, neck strain, and dehydration. However, these are usually only temporary or during the hotter summer months if you’re not careful about staying hydrated with plenty of water. To avoid this small list of disadvantages, make sure to be mindful about your posture while gardening as well as drinking enough liquids throughout the day.

- Gardeners can experience certain health concerns like back pain, neck strain, and dehydration. However, these are usually only temporary or during the hotter summer months if you’re not careful about staying hydrated with plenty of water. To avoid this small list of disadvantages, make sure to be mindful about your posture while gardening as well as drinking enough liquids throughout the day.

Edible Garden Tips:

- While most people think that eating fresh vegetables means running to the nearest grocery store, there are other ways of getting them if you don’t have a garden. Fresh produce can also be found at farmer markets or even in your own backyards if you live close enough to a neighborhood farm with an open space where people can grow their food!

- Gardeners should always wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming them so as not to transfer any bacteria from the soil onto your hands which could then get into your stomach.

If you’re looking to improve your health, lower stress levels, or just want a hobby that will make you feel rewarded and accomplished at the end of each day, then gardening is for you. By growing food in an edible garden, there are many benefits, including eating healthier produce year-round with fewer side effects from pesticides. If this sounds interesting to you but seems too overwhelming, let me know!

* *Give us one advantage, disadvantage, or tip below for gardeners*

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