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Sprouting - How to Grow Sprouts, Benefits of Eating and Growing | Enhanced Garden&Life

Updated: Jun 3, 2021



Have you ever tried to grow sprouts? If not, now is the time. It's an excellent way to get your greens and other vegetables that are so important for good health into your diet on a regular basis. Plus, it's easy! I'll show you how to grow seedlings in jars or bottles of water with just a few basic supplies. They will provide valuable nutrition and have many health benefits as well as being delicious in salads or sandwiches.

What are Sprouts?

- Sprouts are small, immature plants.

- sprouts have the advantage of being highly concentrated in live enzymes which make them a great immune system booster.

- Sprouts are seeds, legumes, and grains that have been soaked in water until they start to sprout. The soaking process activates the genes from inside of the seed so it can grow into a plant. It’s important for them to be kept moist and warm during this process or else they will dry out before they germinate.

- Sprouting is also a great way to grow your own vegetables at home.

- Homegrown sprouts are usually much fresher and tastier than store-bought, not have been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.

- Growing beansprouts from scratch at home can be done in as little as seven to ten days, which will give you the perfect fresh supply of sprouts for salads and sandwiches all year round.

Supplies Needed to Start Sprouting

-food grade hydrogen peroxide

- a jar or bowl

- cheesecloth, mesh screen, coffee filters, etc. to cover the top of your container with holes in it (sprouting lid)

- mason jar ring and band for securing the sprouting lid onto your jar

- water that is filtered and chlorine-free*

- seeds you want to grow

***The Important Tip about Cleaning Your Jars/Bowls: Before you start soaking anything else in them make sure that jars are clean first by washing well using soap and hot water. In order to avoid contamination.

Here is a list of the sprouting equipment I like Click on the links below to get what you need for sprouting.

How to Grow Sprouts Safely

Sprouting Seeds

- Rinse the jar and its lid with hot water.

- Fill a clean, dry jar with your beans or grains to be sprouted

-soak the seeds in water for 12 hours, one cup of water with one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide(to kill any pathogens on the seeds), after soaking rinse several times

-Keep the sprouts covered in a dark cloth to keep the sprouts from seeing and light

- Cover it with cheesecloth (or other porous cloth such as linen), then tightly secure the piece around your container by tying it in place using string or rubber bands. You can also cover the top with a ceramic bowl inverted over to retain moisture if needed.

It is important that you rinse them again every day until they are all ready to eat - typically seven to ten days later depending on their size and variety. These should be done at least twice per day because as soon as you have rinsed away bacteria, new ones will start to grow.

- Rinse them in a large bowl of water using cold or warm water, and after rinsing shake off the excess moisture by holding it up over your head so that gravity can help pull out more liquid from the bean sprouts.

- When they are done - typically two days later depending on their size and variety – store them in an airtight container lined with a paper towel at room temperature about 45 degrees Fahrenheit (a cool location).

How to Grow Sprouts in Mason Jars

- add seeds to your jar(I would only fill the jar to a quarter because when the seeds sprout it will fill the jar until you have a better idea of how many seeds to use)

- add enough filtered water to cover the seeds with food-grade hydrogen peroxide(1 cup water - 1 teaspoon 3% hydrogen peroxide) for 12 hours

- after soaking thoroughly rinse several times

- drain the water from the jar and cover it with a blackout cloth or dark room

- Twice daily rinse your sprouts with filtered water

- as soon as they are grown to the size you want add them to your dish or pop them right in your mouth for a fresh healthy treat

Sprouting Tips

- Sprouts are easy to grow and can be grown in any container that has a lid, from jars to recycled plastic containers.

- Seeds should be soaked and then rinsed before being placed in the container. They will need light, moisture, warmth, and air circulation to grow.

- The seeds' growth is slowed by cold temperatures or insufficient water so if you don't have a proper place to put them that can provide all of these conditions they may not sprout as quickly.

How to Eat Sprouts

Sprouts are very easy to eat just as-is: simply harvest them before they grow too large and rinse well in cold water; then dry on paper towels or dishcloth until crispy yet still juicy. That's it! You'll soon enjoy their crunchiness and freshness while reaping their nutritional rewards!

Alternatively, there are plenty of ways to incorporate sprouts into recipes in order to enjoy them in a different way. Sprouts can be used as an ingredient added to dishes such as salads and sandwiches, or they can even simply be sprinkled on top of soups, pizza crusts, and pasta dishes.

Additionally, sprouts are great for making dips! Combine with cheese (or guacamole), some spices, and nuts for a tasty dip that you'll love to use at parties or during snack time; just make sure not to add too many other ingredients so the flavors don't get diluted.

Nutrition and Health Benefits of Sprouts

- Sprouts are high in fiber, iron, potassium, and other vitamins.

- Consuming sprouts may help protect against cancer because they contain compounds that can either inhibit tumor cells from growing or kill them outright.

- The chlorophyll found in sprouts also helps cleanse toxins from your body through a process known as chelation - binding to (chelate) heavy metals such as lead and mercury so they're easier for your kidneys to excrete.

- Eating raw vegetables are very important during the cold season when you want an immune system boost; fresh sprouts provide this protection by supplying live enzymes which strengthen immunity while fighting off infection.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading my blog post about the benefits of sprouts. Have any thoughts, questions, or ideas to share? Leave comments for me below and I will answer you as soon as I get a chance!

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