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Making a Kid's Garden: Tips and Ideas | Enhanced Garden&Life



Kids love playing in the dirt, and what better way to indulge their curiosity while teaching them about nature than by creating a garden of their own! Kids can learn all about watering plants, planting seeds, or even just digging up the ground. Kids' gardens come in many shapes and sizes - from small pots on windowsills to large outdoor spaces. It's important that kids have access to gardening tools too, like shovels and buckets for filling with water.

Ideas for Kids Gardens

Kids' gardens are a great way to get children involved in the growing process. Kids learn how plants grow and gain valuable life skills at the same time.

- A kids' garden can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, depending on your child's age level and skill set. Whether you're planting just one plant off of an old tee-shirt with your preschooler or planning a full vegetable garden with your teenager, there are plenty of ways for kids to get their hands dirty without getting too messy!

If you don't have enough room outside for a larger garden, consider setting up containers indoors so they'll still receive adequate sunlight from windowsills and other natural light sources nearby. If space is limited outdoors but not inside, consider starting a container garden on your porch; not only will it be easier to preserve, but you'll have access to natural light from both sides of the house!

* You can make a garden box of any size, even one square foot garden box on your porch will do so your child can still feel like they're gardening.

* Kids can also help you plant the seeds and water them with a watering can! If your children or child are old enough to use a shovel, have him or her help dig out an area for planting.

* Consider using recycled materials such as coffee cans or milk cartons instead of buying plastic pots from the store. This way you are also training your children to reuse and recycle.

What You'll Need

* Find a nice sunny spot where you want your children to spend time outdoors as often as possible. A backyard area is always best if it has plenty of space that isn't being used for other activities like barbecues. Kids love getting dirty, and the dirtier they are, the more fun they're having!

* When looking for plants for your child's garden don't forget about texture as well as color. Touch is very important for young children who may be seeing their world through touch before anything else

* Kids love collecting different types of leaves during the fall season, so when you're picking out plants for the fall make sure to include some deciduous trees and shrubs with leaves that change color. Kids can both see different colors and feel the texture, which makes this a win-win situation!

* Kids love bright flowers too, but please keep in mind that not all kids have an allergy to pollen or are allergic to bees. This is especially important if your child has allergies

* Make use of any space available including containers like pots, window boxes, large plastic tubs on wheels (easy for them to roll around), wheelbarrows or even pails placed along the edge of a path. Kids always want more room because what they don't know yet is how much fun they will be having!

* Kids will also need to know how to take care of their garden. This is where you can really have some fun with it because there are such a variety of things they could do, like water the plants or even make sure pests don't get in and eat up all their hard work

* Try planting vegetables together so your child understands what goes well together - seeds too small for direct sowing may want a bit more space like containers first before being transplanted out as seedlings. Kids might also want to go for things they've never tried before like planting some flowers in the mix

* Kids love any type of seeds and will enjoy watching them grow. You can even plant different types of plants together-the kids may have their favorites, but it's a great way to get them interested in trying new things. A good place to start is by having your child pick out his or her favorite colors that you might find at home, which would be a fun activity on its own

* There are so many ways children could help with gardening: weeding (sticker weeders work well!), watering plants, picking weeds, and pulling up grassroots...whatever strikes their fancy! Children always want more responsibility because what they do is very important to them, and you'll be encouraging this passion for life when they help with things around the house.

* Kids will also love being outside in a garden. It's an opportunity to get moving and their imaginations can run wild! If they want to pick flowers, make up stories about what kind of fairies live there...or anything else that comes to mind!

* Kids will also love being outside in a garden. It's an opportunity to get moving and their imaginations can run wild! If they want to pick flowers, make up stories about what kind of fairies live there...or anything else that comes to mind!

* While it may be tempting for kids' first gardens to only contain plants with big colorful blooms (lilies are often the go-to), you'll likely find these annuals wilt more quickly than others - meaning your child will have less time to enjoy them before they die off from neglect or forget all about them altogether. For this reason, perennial plants are great options for children's gardens because they self-propagate and grow year after year without much maintenance.

It’s important for them (and you!) not only to enjoy the plants but interact with them too - like by picking fruit from trees or getting down on your hands and knees to see how deep into the earth carrots really go.

Gardening is more than just playing around in dirt; it teaches children valuable lessons about nature and critical life skills such as patience and empathy."

... Kids Garden Tips and Ideas: How to start a garden at home for kids. Kids' gardens can be both educational and fun, but they also serve as an important way to teach children about the way food is grown. A kid's garden should be tailored specifically with their needs in mind so that it will have plenty of space for them- whether you are working with a large lawn or just want to add some flowers next door (or even inside!) You don't need much.

Get started today on your very own DIY Kids Garden project.

I hope these tips give you inspiration when designing your new backyard oasis for kids! Let me know.

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