Cute, fuzzy, and adorable are not words you want to use when describing a rabbit. Rabbits can wreak havoc on your garden without proper precautions. The best way to keep rabbits out of the garden is by using multiple methods for prevention. In this blog post, we will talk of ways that work effectively at keeping rabbits away from your plants!
Keep Rabbits Away Naturally
The first natural way is to make your garden less appealing to the rabbits. The best way to do this is by adding plants that they don't like and will avoid. This could be anything such as roses, mints, or lavender. All of these are aromatic plants which make them unsuitable for a rabbit's delicate nose.
Another natural preventative measure you can take is planting your crops at least six inches away from any fences where an animal may jump over it onto the other side. This includes mesh fencing, chain-link fencing, wooden paneling etcetera-- all "hard" structures used in gardening should not touch the vegetables themselves! Rabbits especially can leap quite high so if there is even one inch between their sensitive noses and yummy food then they'll be determined to get to it.
Fencing is another great deterrent against rabbits and other rodents such as voles, mice etcetera. This can be done by a physical barrier or an electric fence--(I can't use an electric fence where I live) either one can work but it's important to make sure that your rabbit doesn't have access to dig at any part of the fence because they are constantly looking for ways under things so don't give them easy passage!
Another option would be row covers which will keep out all animals from eating your crops and snacking on your plants during night hours when no one is watching (and yes, they do this). These materials usually come with two layers: a lightweight fabric like cotton or silk that protects your plants from being eaten when the sun is up and a heavier fabric that can protect your plants against all the nighttime nibbling.
How to Get Rid of Rabbits Permanently
Sometimes, it's not enough to have something on top of your garden. You could also use live traps which will usually capture any animal who walks inside then hold onto them until you release them somewhere away from where they're causing havoc.
The challenge is that deer, rabbits and other animals are very clever. It can be hard to set a live trap without them noticing or walking past it quickly so if you're trying this option then put something inside the cage that will lure the animal in.
Aof the most popular ways of getting rid of rabbits permanently among gardeners with small backyards is by using natural sprays such as cayenne pepper, garlic oil, or castor oil mixed with water. This usually only works on fresh green leaves but still has its benefits. Rabbits have sensitive noses - they try to avoid plants which smell too strong from what humans would consider mild smells-so these might work well enough to repel them away.
How to Deter Rabbits in the yard
Fencing is another great deterrent against rabbits and other rodents such as voles, mice etcetera. This can be done with a physical barrier or an electric fence--(I can't use an electric fence where I live) either one can work but it's important to make sure that the rabbit doesn't have access to dig at any part of the fence because they are constantly looking for ways under things so don't give them easy passage!
The downside is that this isn’t an attractive option for many yards as they tend to be made of chain link which doesn’t complement most modern landscaping, but if you don’t care about aesthetics then this is probably your best bet! And because it's not aesthetically pleasing, installation costs are low and there's no need for barriers at any opening gates. This style of fence also has few openings in between each post so rabbits won't be able to squeeze through like other fences would allow them to do.
Another option would be row covers which will keep out all animals from eating your crops and snacking on your plants during night hours when no one is watching (and yes, they do this). These materials usually come with two layers: a lightweight fabric like cotton or silk that protects your plants from being eaten when the sun is up and a heavier fabric that can protect your plants against all the nighttime nibbling.
Getting a dog is another option. This can be an excellent way to deter rabbits if you have the room for one and don't mind their barking, but it's not an appropriate solution for everyone.
Natural Sprays to Try
If none of these work there are always natural alternatives like organic methods such as using powders around the perimeter of your property or soaps
One of the most popular ways of getting rid of rabbits permanently among gardeners with small backyards is by using natural sprays such as cayenne pepper, garlic oil, or castor oil mixed with water. This usually only works on fresh green leaves but still has its benefits. Rabbits have sensitive noses - they try to avoid plants which smell too strong from what humans would consider mild smells-so these might work well enough to repel them away.
Homemade garlic and pepper spray
-half cup of minced garlic,
-two tablespoons of cayenne pepper or chili powder (less if you want a milder spray),
-water to make one gallon total. Put the ingredients into your blender and process until the mixture is blended well together. Pour into a bottle with a tight lid for storage in the fridge for up to six months.
Sprinkle ground black pepper around your plants that are prone to rabbit damage when they're ripe and ready for harvest as another deterrent measure.
Linseed oil spray
-two tablespoon of Linseed oil,
-clean water to make one quart. Mix the two ingredients in a clean spray bottle and shake well before spraying on plants. Dilute with more water if necessary (the mixture should be thinner than paint). The solution will yellow over time but it is still safe for your garden because it does not contain fungicides or herbicides. Do not use linseed oil where bees are present as they may die from exposure!
cayenne pepper and tabasco sauce
-Cayenne pepper, Tabasco sauce. Mix the two ingredients in a clean spray bottle and shake well before spraying on plants. Use gloves when spraying to avoid skin contact with the mixture as it can cause burning sensations!
Castor oil may also be an option. The oil may be used in a number of ways, such as mixed with water to create a castor oil solution for plants.
Castor Oil, Tools needed for diluting (spray bottle), gloves if handling spray mixture without dilution
-Method: Mix one part Castor Oil into two parts cold water until it is fully combined then shake well before spraying! **Do not apply this method to any plant that has flowers or fruit unless you are sure there will not be contact between petals/fruit and leaves because Castor Oil can damage these areas of your garden.
There are many options for keeping rabbits out of your yard and away from the vegetables you plan to harvest. We’ve shared some strategies here, but if none of these work for you or don’t seem feasible on your property, we hope that this article has given you a few ideas to explore in order to keep those pesky bunnies at bay. Do you have other methods that work well? Let me know in the comments below!
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