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How to Grow Perilla Leaves, How to Grow Kkaennip, Growing Perilla in a Pot | Enhanced Garden&Life

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

How to grow perilla leaves



Have you ever had a perilla leaf?

This short-day plant, kkaennip is often used for kimchi, but it can also be eaten raw. It grows vegetatively during the lengthening days of summer and it flowers when the night length increases, this plant is a favorite of Korean culture!

I learned all about the benefits of Korean perilla leaves and started growing them this year. I found out that they are easy to grow, have many health benefits.

I'll teach you how to grow these leaves in your garden so they're always available for cooking and snacking on.

The plant's common name is shiso, and there are many varieties of the plant that produce different flavors of leaves. You may have seen this herb at your local farmers' market or grocery store already.

Kkaennip (perilla) has become popular as an edible garnish in recent years.

Choosing The Pot

First, pick out a pot. A three-gallon to five-gallon pot will be big enough for a perilla plant. It's important to know what type of pot you can use for a perilla pot. You'll need something with drainage holes in the bottom that will accommodate the height of your plants. If your pots don't have any holes, be sure to poke some! The best containers are those made out of plastic or clay. Terracotta pots are another option, but they tend to dry out too quickly, so you'll need water more often.

Starting Perilla Seeds

Using soil blocks is an excellent way to start your seeds. Make your soil blocks, add them to a clear plastic container, and place them in a sunny location or under grow lights. Using a plastic container with a lid will create condensation so your seeds will stay moist and they will not need to water continually. Doing this will ensure that your seedlings will not be leggy when they germinate because they will have light soon after germination. When seedlings don't get the sunlight or grow light, they will grow tall and skinny. These will not be healthy or strong seedlings.

Using a heat mat will also help your seedlings to germinate. Perilla seeds germinate best in temperatures from 65 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Preparing The Soil Mix

I prefer to make a soil mix myself, but you may also choose a good potting soil. I like Happy Frog Potting Soil. It's essential to make sure you use a potting mix if you buy soil. Buying potting soil will get expensive. Well-draining soil is vital for growing in pots. Perilla needs well-draining loamy soil rich in organic matter.

A good soil mixture is one part compost, one part coco coir, and one part perlite. I add six tablespoons of greensand, six tablespoons of bone meal, six tablespoons of blood meal, and three tablespoons of azomite to the mix. This is what I use for a three-gallon container.

Sunlight Requirements

Perilla can have full sun or partial shade, I like to have at least six hours of sun.

Water Requirements

Water at least twice a week. Three times would be best especially having more than one plant in the pot.

Perilla Nutrition

Life is about the little stuff that makes us happy. Like eating vegetables or taking a walk on a sunny day, and now you can add another activity to your list: planting seeds! Not only will they help with lowering LDL cholesterol levels but also HDL good cholesterol which prevents heart attacks and strokes - not just from today's workout session in the gym either- it helps reduce cancer risk too! Planting these small beauties won't take much of our time yet could do wonders for our health so what are we waiting for?

Planting seeds may seem like an insignificant task at first glance however its benefits outweigh this perception by far as it does more than lower bad cholesterols but boosts healthy ones while preventing many diseases such as cardiovascular. Perilla leaves are a great way to get your daily vitamin C intake! One serving of perilla leaves has double the recommended amount.

Perilla leaves are a low-calorie snack that will give you the energy and fiber to power through your day! As if this weren't enough of an incentive, they also provide 7 g of dietary fiber per serving. In addition to promoting healthy digestion (which aids in heart disease), these leafies might even help prevent diabetes with their rich content of high-fiber carbohydrates.

Perilla leaves contain about seven grams each for 100g servings – but because it's free from sugar, you can enjoy all those carbs without adding any calories on account o' no added sugars or sweeteners. They're so flavorful too! - we love snacking on them as is!

Perilla in a Pot

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