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Far Out Pea Germination Tips: Dun Peas - Microgreen Growing

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Dun Peas Microgreens

Far out peas! Here are pea germination tips to help you grow dun peas microgreens. Peas are a nutritious and delicious edible green that can be used in various recipes for soups, salads, sandwiches, and more. They're also great to add flavor to stir fry dishes. If you want dun peas from seed without soil, then this article is for you!

How Long Do Peas Take To Germinate?

With Dun Peas I can usually see the roots starting to appear after a 24 hour soaking period. Not all have started sprouting at this time but the rest are quick to follow.

The best way to ensure successful pea germination is by soaking the seeds in water overnight before planting. This will help soften the seed coating and speed up the process.

What are Pea Tendrils?

Tendrils are those thin curly vines that grow out of pea plants. The tendril is the plant's method of anchoring itself to something.

Pea Tendrils: Peas can be grown vertically and the vines will twist around support such as poles, strings, or stakes in order to get closer to sunlight. So they climb up using the tendrils to grip onto something.

How Long Do Peas Take To Germinate?

With Dun Peas I can usually see the roots starting to appear after a 24 hour soaking period. Not all have started sprouting at this time but the rest are quick to follow.

The best way to ensure successful pea germination is by soaking the seeds in water overnight before planting. This will help soften the seed coating and speed up the process.

Pea Shoots Nutrition and Health Benefits:

Peas are an extremely good source of protein, fiber, and vitamin C. They have anti-inflammatory properties due to their high levels of omega fatty acids. The dun peas contain the most antioxidants per serving vs other green vegetables making them a microgreen that's highly nutritious! Peas are high in protein which will help to build and repair muscles but have a low glycemic index so peas will not spike blood sugar levels.

Pea sprouts are known for being an excellent source of vitamin C which strengthens the immune system by supporting white blood cell production. Peas also contain high amounts of B vitamins such as folate which is essential for red blood cell formation in order to boost energy levels! Vitamin K plays a major role in bone health. The dun peas alkalize our body's pH balance due to their natural chlorophyll content- this helps fight off free radicals that cause cancer. Dun peas can promote weight loss due to their high fiber content and low-calorie levels.

Dun pea sprouts can be eaten either raw or cooked in various dishes such as stir fry veggies for flavor and color, salads, sandwiches, or added to soup.

Now that you know all of the amazing benefits of dun peas, it's time to get growing!

How To Grow Pea Shoots Without Soil:

The great thing about dun peas is that they can be grown without soil. All you will need is a container or jar with a lid, a tray, some water, and your seeds.

Pea Germination

First, you will need to purchase dun peas seeds. You can find these online(I like True Leaf Market). Once you have the seeds, soak peas in water overnight(24 hours) before planting(I use a cup of seeds for my tray and I cover the seeds in water also adding a teaspoon of food-grade hydrogen peroxide). This helps to soften the seed coat and makes germination easier. In the morning, dump the water and rinse the peas.

How to Grow Pea Shoots Without Soil

To grow dun peas microgreens without soil, you will need a sprouting tray or jar with a lid that has drainage holes poked in it. I use a sprouting tray with holes in the bottom from Amazon.

Now time to add your seeds to the tray. Without using soil the dun pea sprouts need to be watered often so they don't dry out. Usually, twice a day is sufficient for me. Keep your sprouts in a dark spot, if you have one. Keep the peas in the dark until you have small pea shoots then place them under grow lights or into the sunlight.

As soon as you see the shoots, the roots should be growing through the holes in the top tray of the micro green growing traysnso now you can start to bottom water.

Bottom Water: Lift the top tray and add water to the bottom tray so the roots are moist at all times. How often you will need water is going to depend on the humidity and temperature in your space.

When the dun peas have a few leaves, it's time to harvest them. Trim off the roots with scissors and rinse them off before using them in your favorite recipe.

If this sounds like too much work, there are always pre-grown dun peas sprouts at the grocery store that you can purchase instead! Dun peas microgreens are great for adding nutritional value to any meal and they're easy to grow once you have the know-how! Try out these tips today and enjoy some homegrown dun peas goodness!

How to Harvest Peas

Harvest Peas Once dun pea plants have grown to about two inches tall or more and when their first true leaves emerge, it’s time to harvest them! Cut the dun peas just above the soil line with a sharp knife or scissors. You'll want to make sure the knife is very sharp because dun peas are tough little suckers.

If you’re growing dun peas for their shoots, you can eat them fresh or store them in the refrigerator for a little over a week. I don't rinse them off before I eat them because I'm growing them myself. If you choose to rinse wait until you are going to eat them. Water will cause the shelf life to decrease.

If you plan on eating your dun peas fresh, you can rinse them off and eat them right away. If you want the peas for later use, place them in a plastic bag in the fridge and they will last a week and maybe a little longer.

Pea sprouts are a great, healthy option for anyone looking to add more vegetables to their diet.

They’re also an excellent way to get kids interested in gardening and cooking with fresh produce, as they are able to be grown indoors all year round! If you want your own pea plants but don’t have the space or time for the outdoors, this is an excellent solution. In order to grow pea plant sprouts from seed, it's important that you follow these simple steps.

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